Proposed Patent Reform Legislation: How It May Impact You (Especially if You Are Not Considered to be a “Patent Troll”) (Live MBHB Webinar)
The Next Wave of Data Privacy: What the GDPR, Privacy Shield and Brexit Mean for U.S. Intellectual Property Litigation (Live MBHB Webinar)
Abstract Ideas after Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank Int’l: The USPTO Issues Interim Guidance and Examples (Live MBHB Webinar)
Big Data Litigation in an Era of Big Data Privacy Concerns: Recent Developments in International Data Privacy Law and Their Impact on U.S. Litigation (Live MBHB Webinar)
Prevailing Before the PTAB “Death Squad”: Practical Considerations for Petitioners and Patent Holders (Live MBHB Webinar)
“Standing Out” – The Supreme Court’s Redefined Standard for Fee Shifting in Patent Litigation, and How It Might Impact “Patent Troll” Litigation (Live MBHB Webinar)
MBHB Partner Kevin E. Noonan, Ph.D. Keynote Speaker for Program Entitled, “The Intersection of IP and Public Health”
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Patent Litigation Forum Selection in the Wake of TC Heartland (Live MBHB Webinar)