
The cannabis industry is innovative and growing. In this dynamic environment, securing and protecting intellectual property rights for innovations is the foundation of business success. With years of experience in the cannabis IP space, MBHB attorneys, patent agents and technical advisors help clients navigate the unique complexities of cannabis IP law and secure and enforce patents, trademarks, and copyrights.


Protecting innovations in a competitive industry

As the cannabis industry grows, competition will inevitably increase. To position themselves for successful commercialization, it’s crucial that cannabis inventors and manufacturers proactively secure IP ownership rights for their innovations. 

But in a relatively new and highly regulated industry, the devil is in the details. Our attorneys help clients navigate the complexities of IP law in the space, including the impact of federal and state-level regulations and considerations around pursuing different types of patents (utility vs. plant patents, for instance). 

Full-service cannabis IP law support

Cannabis innovators have many options when it comes to protecting their IP. We help clients assess their options and secure patent rights on cannabis and hemp innovations, including the plant itself, and develop brand protection strategies through federal and state trademarks and federal copyrights. We also enforce IP rights by pursuing litigation, when necessary. 

Counsel from pioneers in cannabis IP law

We are proud leaders in cannabis IP law. As one of the first law firms to officially create a practice group focused on cannabis IP law, we help clients develop IP strategies that position them for success in this fast-changing industry. With federal legalization potentially on the horizon, the pace of change and innovation in the industry will only increase. By helping cannabis innovators build comprehensive IP portfolios – and fend off challenges to those portfolios – we help them commercialize successfully and position them for long-term business success. 

“The cannabis industry has seen meteoric growth. It’s more important than ever that companies focus on protecting their innovation and brand.”
George “Trey” Lyons, III


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