
Leah Borgsmiller holds a Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering and focuses her practice on intellectual property law matters including support of validity, infringement, and patentability analysis.

Prior to joining MBHB Dr. Borgsmiller was a graduate student researcher at Northwestern University with a focus on thermoelectric materials and the study of thermal and electrical transport and solid state synthesis of complex materials. Prior to her doctoral studies she also conducted research at  the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) within their Quantum Nanostructures and Nanofabrication Group  as well as the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) within their Printable and Flexible Electronics Group. She is a recipient of multiple awards including the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship.

  • B.S., Northwestern University,

    Materials Science and Engineering with Honors, magna cum laude

  • Ph.D., Northwestern University,

    Materials Science and Engineering
