How Are Companies Driving Innovation in Turbulent Times?

MBHB partner Bradley Hulbert is a featured presenter at an IP Counsel Cafe hosted virtual meetup set for 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. PT on June 25, 2020. View details here

About the Presentation

Grab a coffee, turn on your camera, and join us! Innovation is a company’s lifeblood, yet it can be difficult to motivate inventors and create a smooth innovation process. We will discuss how different companies are incentivizing their inventors, capturing inventions, and creating a smooth process that promotes rather than hinders innovation as we make our way through turbulent times.

  • How to keep in touch with your engineers and inventors as we work from home?

  • How to incentivize and generate invention disclosures during Covid-19?

  • How have patent review committees been operating? Is it better to have everyone in the same room?

  • How can we increase diversity in inventorship and expand American innovation during and after Covid-19?

  • Are there any practices that we can retain even after work returns to “normal”?
