Impact of Patent Construction — How to Prove Infringement and Validity in US, UK and Germany
May 21, 2015
To examine the principles of claim construction in the three jurisdictions
To contrast the doctrines of equivalents and purposive construction
To analyze validity requirements
To illustrate the major issues with panel discussion, comparative examples and case studies
A comprehensive overview of the principles of patent claim interpretation in the USA, UK and Germany
A comparison and explanation of the varying approaches for determining when a patent claim that does not literally describe an accused system is nonetheless infringed
Exemplary fact scenarios, with comparisons of the USA, UK and German approaches to claim construction and validity determination
Recommendations for both litigating patents and preparing patent applications
A unique opportunity to spend a whole day in detailed analysis with recognized experts
Time for participants to ask questions and discuss individual concerns through the day
Patent professionals in private practice, including patent attorneys and lawyers
Heads of IP, Heads of Patents and in-house patent counsel at every level
Patent engineers and inventors
All whose responsibilities include the need to understand the scope of patent coverage in USA, UK and Germany